Clinical Supervision

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Supervision Toward LCPC

Supervision allows you to enhance your self-awareness in addition to working on your skills and competencies. 

Mrs. Katie and Mrs. Christina have both completed the Supervision training offered by the Maryland Board of Professional Counselors. They were trained specifically around teaching techniques, laws, ethics, and tools for psychotherapy.

Supervisors provide you with direct feedback and specific suggestions for improving your skills. They will also validate your creativity, your insights, and support you in your professional development and growth.

Possible Goals of Supervision

  • Learn case conceptualization. We will speak about client cases from the perspective of learning tool and your supervisor will ask you thoughtful questions that may spark curiosity and a new understanding of yourself or your client.

  • Learn about basic concepts of psychodynamic/relational work and how to apply it to behavioral therapy.

  • Learn about your professional identity and what’s important to you. What are your values as a clinician? How do you want to show up with clients?

  • Describe common mistakes/consequences around failing to attend to transference/countertransference, including unintentional boundary crossings/violations and other ethical concerns.

What Does Supervision Look Like?

Our Supervisors help Licensed Graduate Professional Counselors (LGPC) to become fully Licensed Professional Counselors (LCPC) within the state of Maryland. 

Supervision includes several dimensions that will be discussed: administrative effectiveness, developing your professional identity, skill development, forming your own theoretical orientation, and then refining your clinical skills through that lens.

For those of your working towards LCPC, if you are seeing clients, we will need to have some information about your clients since you will be practicing under their license. Your clients will also have to understand that you are still in a supervisory phase of licensure and have your supervisor's contact information. 

Who Qualifies?

Any counselor who is working toward their full licensure within the state of Maryland and currently holds their Licensed Graduate Professional Counselor (LGPC) credentials.

What is Needed?

The Board of Professional Counselors & Therapists require at least 100 face to face clinical hours to be documented before filing for full licensure and qualifying for LCPC.

When to Meet & Where

Weekly supervision will take place in their the Hunt Valley office location (Mrs. Christina only) or the Annapolis office location during a time that works best for your schedule.